French Baguette Loaves

Shared to us by our talented team member Rebecca, who must take her lead from her equally talented baking mother Glen from whom this recipe has been taken.
1 and 2/3 cups tepid water
2tsp dried yeast
1/2 tsp honey
3 and 1/4 cup plain flour
1 and 1/2 teaspoons salt
In a large bowl mix the tepid water, dried yeast and honey, then add the plain flour and salt. Mix until no dry flour is visible, I use a big fork, it takes about 2mins. Place in a greased plastic container (which has a lid). Put lid on, leave on bench and set a timer for 30mins.
Dip fingertips in cold water, grab one ‘corner’ of dough, stretch it up and place on top of dough. Do this for each of the 4 ‘corners'. Put lid on, set timer for 30mins, repeat the stretching. You stretch the dough a total of 3 times each with a 30-minute rest between. Put lid on, put in fridge overnight or at least 10 hours.
Set oven 200C fan-forced. (my oven is not as hot as others, so reduce this a bit if you have a hottie).
Boil a jug, pour boiling water into a roasting pan to provide steam. I place this directly on oven floor. Put a little flour on bench, turn container upside down on this, the dough will come out in a few minutes. Cut in half. Gently tip each half over to coat in a little flour, with scraper push it into a bit of a log shape. Grease baking pans (NB: Milly's recommend the Bakemaster Baguette pan).
Quickly grab each end of each piece of dough and swing it into pan. It will elongate a little on the way. Tuck ends under if they straggle. Slash dough on the diagonal about 3 times each loaf. Bake 30mins and enjoy.
- Tags: baking, how-to, millys-basics, sides