Two Ingredient Flatbreads

This is without doubt the easiest flatbread recipe around! Just two ingredients a - and all you need is a bowl and a rolling pin!
1 cup Self Raising Flour
1 cup plain yoghurt*
Simply mix together your flour and yoghurt. Mix it thoroughly and well but just until it's well combined. Try to resist overworking the dough once it's come together.
Leave your dough to rest in the bowl for 30 mins.
Divide the dough into roughly eight balls (more or less, depending on how big you want your flatbreads). Lightly flour your bench then take one ball of dough and lightly need it on the bench before pressing it out flat with your hands. Flour your rolling pin and roll your flatbread out to your desired thickness (we like our quite thin). Feel free to add more flour if your dough is sticky.
Heat a heavy cast iron frypan to medium heat. Lightly spray with a neutral high-heat oil (or leave dry - the choice is yours) and add your flatbread. Cook for a few minutes on each side until the surface is browned and bubbled (and your flatbread may puff slighly).
Remove from the heat when it's cooked to your liking (we like ours pretty charred). Transfer to a warmed plate and cover with a tea towel. Cook the rest of your flatbreads similarly, stacking each on top of the last to keep warm.
Extra for experts: brush lightly with melted garlic butter - utterly delicious!
We always use our Lodge 30cm Dual Handle Pan for this task!
* We usually have a good, thick, Greek yoghurt on hand but just about any unflavoured yoghurt will be perfect.
- Tags: baking, From Liz's Kitchen, mains, millys-basics
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