A Really Good Apple Pie

1 quantity Sour Cream Pastry (use the sweetened recipe)
For the filling:
8 Granny Smith apples*
25g butter
1/2 cup castor sugar
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
A good handful of sultanas (optional)
3 tbsp plain flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
A capful dark rum (my preference) or 1 tsp good vanilla
To finish:
1 egg
2 tbsp cream
2 tsp golden castor sugar (or normal castor)
Divide your pastry in two, one piece each for pie top and bottom and store the second piece, wrapped, in the fridge. On a lightly floured surface roll the first quantity of pastry into a circle large enough to fit the base and sides of a 23-25cm pie dish then gently ease it into a greased pie dish. Place into the fridge to rest. I use my Le Creuset pie dish for this recipe which makes a lovely deep pie (and is perfect for a savoury pie too)
To make your filling; peel, core and roughly chop the apples. Heat a large skillet over a medium heat then add the butter and sugar. Swirl to melt the butter and start dissolving the sugar. The add the apples and the remaining filling ingredients. Stir to gently but well to combine and cook until the apples are softened and coated with the thickened juices (about 10-15 mins). Leave to cool.
When your mixture is completely cold (hot filling almost guarantees a soggy bottom!) preheat your oven to 180C and remove your pastry lined pie dish from the fridge. Smooth the filling into the pie dish, gently pushing it across the base and up the sides so there are not gaps.
Remove your second piece of pastry and roll out to fit the top of your pie dish. Gently place it over the filling, trimming off the excess with a sharp knife. Pinch around the edges (with your fingers as I have here, or with a fork) to seal.
Whisk the egg and cream together and brush all over the surface. If desired, decorate with pastry cutouts (3 leaves is my usual, and slightly inept, signature) and brush again with the cream/egg wash. Sprinkle with the castor sugar then gently and randomly pierce the top with the tip of a knife (or fork) to make a few steam/vent holes.
Bake for around 45 mins or until the top is golden brown and glorious.
Serve with cream, ice cream, custard - or all three!
* Use Granny Smiths, which are readily available - unless you can get hold of some Ballarats which are magnificent cooking apples. You'll need 8 Ballarat.
- Tags: baking, desserts, From Liz's Kitchen
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