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Rebecca's Blueberry Marshmallow

Rebecca's Blueberry Marshmallow

In another life Rebecca had a loyal following of marshmallow-loving fans and she's kindly shared her recipe for this gorgeous nostalgic treat with us all here. Enjoy!


6 leaves Equagold Gelatine
375gm Castor Sugar
135gm Glucose (or Corn/ Golden syrup)
1cup water
3 to 4 dashes of Wilton Gel colour* 
1 Tbsps LorAnn Blueberry Flavour


Add gelatine leaves to ½ cup of the cold water and leave to 'bloom'.
In a saucepan add the rest of the water with the sugar and glucose and bring to a boil, until dissolved. Place this mix in a stand mixer bowl and add the gelatine (by squeezing the bloomed sheets to extract the gelatine).

Start whipping this mix, then add your colour and flavour, beat for at least 10 minutes on a high speed until you reach a super fluffy consistency. Pour into a lined Swiss roll pan …approx. 37 by 29 cm. Sprinkle freeze-dried blueberries over the top (we recommend Fresh As). Refrigerate overnight before cutting.

* Your choice of colour, however I suggest the “Rosa” pink (use a toothpick to place into the gel, then flick it into the marshmallow a few times until you get the desired colour )

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