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Liz's Cheesy Quesadilla

Liz's Cheesy Quesadilla

This is a very forgiving recipe - greens (silverbeet, spinach, rocket - always in greater quantites than you think), cheese (cheddar mainly but feel free to toss in anything else that needs using), something hot (chilli - fresh, dried or pickled - as much as you want) and the odd spice or two.


1 onion, finely sliced
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
1 tsp ground cumin
2 pickled red chillis (or fresh chilli) chopped, or chilli powder
Silverbeet (or other greens) - a big bunch, washed, deveined and roughly chopped
1-1.5 cups of grated cheese (see note above)
6 flour tortillas (or wraps)

Sour cream, salsa, guacamole for serving (optional)


Saute onion and garlic in a little olive oil in a non-stick pan until meltingly soft (I often add a good pinch of salt to help it along). Add the cumin and chillis and saute briefly before starting to pile in the greens a handful at a time. Doing this in batches, allowing the first handful to wilt a little before adding the next allows you to control the mess and spillage. Once the greens are all wilted and smelling gorgeous, remove them from the heat and allow to cool slightly. 

Lay the tortillas out on the bench. Top three tortills with the spinach mixture, then top with cheese and the other tortilla. Dry pan fry in heavy based sillet until golden brown on both sides. Serve as is or top with sour cream, salsa and guac! Especially good 'the morning after the night before'!

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